If your like me and game a lot then you know communication with your gaming friends is a vital part of your gaming experience. I have used many different VOIP clients such as Teamspeak, Ventrilo, Mumble and even Skype.

Not to mention the fun badge system where if you participate in events put on by Raidcall, they issue a small icon (badge) next to your name that makes you stand out from the crowd. You will soon become a collector like myself and have many to show off! It's almost like collecting postage stamps or pins from all over the world. It's what makes Raidcall different. It's what makes Raidcall unique. It's why I use Raidcall over any other voice chat software available. If you want a free badge right off the bat, you can register under my name and you will get the badge instantly upon registering.
So grab your guild or grab your clan and make the move for a better voice chat solution with better quality, sound and overall experience. You have nothing to lose but so much to gain!
I once was a normal user just like anyone else. I enjoy using Raidcall so much I decided to give back and joined the Raidcall support team. I want your Raidcall experience to be as good as mine!
If you have any questions feel free to stop in Raidcall Support Group 8888 and look for Jeremy. Also feel free to add me on Raidcall at wowmarketeer@raidcall.com
Raidcall es una mierda llevo meses mandado mensaje a soporte para que me ayude y se estas haciendo los suecos. Los de 8888 me han bloqueado sin motivos. Me dice que soy un troll. Le he dicho que lo demuestre. Nunca demuestra nada. Son una panda sinvergüenza de Raidcall 8888 y soporte.